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zmhk 2024-06-18
937小游戏       今天,我将与大家共同探讨937小游戏的今日更新,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。1.毁灭战士3——游戏秘籍和使用方法2.m










       游戏中, 按 CTRL + ALT + ~ 开启控制台,输入以下内容

       god 无敌模式

       give all 所有武器,弹药

       give ammo 武器弹药全满

       give armor 护甲到125

       give doom95 1995版毁灭战士

       gotohell 立即获胜

       pomber 弹药无限

       give health 生命100

       give keys 所有钥匙

       noclip 穿墙

       notarget 对于敌人不可见

       freeze 冻结

       benchmark 显卡测试模式

       com_drawfps 1 显示 FPS

       timedemo demo1.demo 回放测试demo(用来测试fps)

       aviDemo 把demo保存为avi格式

       gfxinfo 显示显卡信息

       status 察看游戏中自己的统计

       r_gamma [0-2] 设置对比

       r_brightness [number] 设置亮度

       s_volume_db [number] 音量(0为关闭)

       s_showlevelmeter 1 显示音量

       g_showprojectilepct 1 设定子弹发射(0为关闭)

       killmonsters 杀掉所有怪物

       kill 自杀

       quit 退出游戏

       give weapon_bfg BFG

       give weapon_chainsaw 油锯

       give weapon_machinegun 机器

       give weapon_plasmagun 激光枪

       give weapon_rocketlauncher 火箭发射器

       give weapon_shotgun 短枪

       give 物品名 制造物品

       map 地图名 载入指定的地图

       map 载入地图


       give weapon_grabber 得到抓抓炮.

       give weapon_shotgun_double 得到双管散弹枪

       spawn monster_zombie_hazmat 召唤僵尸

       spawn monster_flying_forgotten 召唤 "遗忘" 头骨怪物.

       spawn monster_flying_forgotten2 召唤 另一种"遗忘" 头骨怪物.

       spawn monster_demon_vulgar 召唤vulgar恶魔.

       spawn monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser 召唤bruiser恶魔.

       spawn monster_hunter_helltime 召唤恶魔

       spawn monster_hunter_berzerk 召唤第二种恶魔

       spawn monster_hunter_invul 召唤第三种恶魔

       map game/erebus# 跳关Erebus Level # (1到 6).

       map game/phobos# 跳关Phobos实验区 # (1到4).

       map game/deltax 跳关德尔塔试验室 - x为 1 2a 2b 3 4

       map game/hell 地狱关

       map game/marscity1 通关主线任务

       give weapon_bloodstone_active# 升级bloodstone (#为数字)

       give weapon_grabber 得到双管霰弹枪

       give weapon_shotgun 得到霰弹枪

       give weapon_machinegun 得到Machine Gun

       give weapon_chaingun 得到超级机枪

       give ammo_grenade_small 手榴弹

       give weapon_plasmagun 得到Plasma Rifle

       give weapon_rocketlauncher 得到Rocket Launcher

       give weapon_bfg 得到BFG 9000

       give PDA PDA


       #029 - 516 高射机枪的弹药,安全盔甲

       #034 - 134 超级机枪弹,机枪弹药

       #035 - 134 子弹,散弹枪弹,shards装甲

       #042 - 714 盒猎枪弹,超级机枪轮

       #105 - 769 子弹,散弹枪弹,手榴弹

       #116 - 634 散弹枪弹,电池

       #117 - 634 散弹枪弹, 超级机枪弹药

       #407 - 937 子弹,猎枪弹,小medikit

       #408 - 937 散弹枪弹



       食物大战 => /wl/software/catalog22/2834.html

       幸运满贯 => /wl/software/catalog22/2833.html

       怒首领蜂2-蜂暴 => /wl/software/catalog22/2832.html

       魔幻星座 => /wl/software/catalog22/2831.html

       大家来找碴 => /wl/software/catalog22/2830.html

       三国战记-风云再起 => /wl/software/catalog22/2829.html

       形意拳 => /wl/software/catalog22/2828.html

       傲剑狂刀 => /wl/software/catalog22/2827.html

       三国战记二代-群雄争霸 => /wl/software/catalog22/2826.html

       中国龙二代 => /wl/software/catalog22/2824.html

       三国战记一代 => /wl/software/catalog22/2823.html

       西游释厄传 => /wl/software/catalog22/2822.html


       赤色大地 => /wl/software/catalog21/2821.html

       街头霸王3-三度冲击-为未来而战 => /wl/software/catalog21/2820.html

       街头霸王3-二度冲击 => /wl/software/catalog21/2819.html

       街头霸王3-新纪元 => /wl/software/catalog21/2818.html

       乔乔奇妙冒险-未来的遗产 => /wl/software/catalog21/2817.html

       乔乔奇妙冒险 => /wl/software/catalog21/2816.html


       逆转之岚 => /wl/software/catalog20/2815.html

       智力循环二代 => /wl/software/catalog20/2814.html

       x战警对街头霸王 => /wl/software/catalog20/2813.html

       x战警-磁场原子人 => /wl/software/catalog20/2812.html

       恶魔战士二代-恶魔救世主 => /wl/software/catalog20/2811.html

       恶魔战士-恶魔救世主 => /wl/software/catalog20/2810.html

       吸血鬼猎人二代-恶魔的复仇 => /wl/software/catalog20/2809.html

       超级街头霸王二代加强版 => /wl/software/catalog20/2808.html

       超级街头霸王二代-新的挑战者 => /wl/software/catalog20/2807.html

       超级方块战士二代 => /wl/software/catalog20/2806.html

       超级口袋战士 => /wl/software/catalog20/2805.html

       少年街霸三代 => /wl/software/catalog20/2804.html

       少年街霸二代 => /wl/software/catalog20/2803.html

       少年街霸-斗士的梦想 => /wl/software/catalog20/2802.html

       洛克人二代-力量对决 => /wl/software/catalog20/2801.html

       超级摔角霸王二代-连环爆裂 => /wl/software/catalog20/2800.html

       七彩梦-虹色町的奇迹 => /wl/software/catalog20/2799.html

       吸血鬼猎人-恶魔的复仇 => /wl/software/catalog20/2798.html

       超强魔法泡泡 => /wl/software/catalog20/2797.html

       超级漫画英雄对卡普空-超级英雄的碰撞 => /wl/software/catalog20/2796.html

       超级漫画英雄 => /wl/software/catalog20/2795.html

       火星任务-超固体射击 => /wl/software/catalog20/2794.html

       雷鸟之翼 => /wl/software/catalog20/2793.html

       eco战士 => /wl/software/catalog20/2792.html

       龙与地下城二代-暗黑秘影 => /wl/software/catalog20/2791.html

       龙与地下城一代-毁灭之塔 => /wl/software/catalog20/2790.html

       魔法大作战 => /wl/software/catalog20/2789.html

       恶魔战士-午夜战士 => /wl/software/catalog20/2788.html

       机甲战士-全金属狂潮 => /wl/software/catalog20/2787.html

       卡普空运动俱乐部 => /wl/software/catalog20/2786.html

       战斗回路 => /wl/software/catalog20/2785.html

       装甲战士 => /wl/software/catalog20/2784.html

       异形对铁血战士 => /wl/software/catalog20/2783.html

       19xx-命运否决战 => /wl/software/catalog20/2782.html

       1944-空翻大师 => /wl/software/catalog20/2781.html


       三剑圣 => /wl/software/catalog19/2712.html

       降龙街霸 => /wl/software/catalog19/2711.html

       屠龙街霸 => /wl/software/catalog19/2710.html

       少年街霸zero => /wl/software/catalog19/2709.html

       威洛之旅 => /wl/software/catalog19/2708.html

       三国志二代之赤壁风云 => /wl/software/catalog19/2707.html

       威虎战机 => /wl/software/catalog19/2706.html

       战区88 => /wl/software/catalog19/2705.html

       奇迹三世界 => /wl/software/catalog19/2704.html

       惩罚者(乌兹) => /wl/software/catalog19/2703.html

       龙王战士 => /wl/software/catalog19/2702.html

       出击飞龙 => /wl/software/catalog19/2701.html

       街头霸王之十二人街霸 => /wl/software/catalog19/2700.html

       街头霸王之八人街霸 => /wl/software/catalog19/2699.html

       摔角霸王 [世界版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2698.html

       信长的野望二代 => /wl/software/catalog19/2697.html

       龙之问答一代 [美版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2696.html

       射汽球三代 => /wl/software/catalog19/2695.html

       梦境冒险 => /wl/software/catalog19/2694.html

       战场之狼 [世界版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2693.html

       双麒儿 [世界版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2692.html

       洛克人大战-力量之战 [亚洲版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2691.html

       魔法之剑-英雄幻想 => /wl/software/catalog19/2690.html

       圆桌骑士 => /wl/software/catalog19/2689.html

       大魔界村 [国际版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2688.html

       失落的世界 [美版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2687.html

       快打旋风 => /wl/software/catalog19/2686.html

       吞食天地一代 [1.45世界版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2685.html

       美国海军 [国际版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2684.html

       卡普空世界二代 => /wl/software/catalog19/2683.html

       恐龙快打 => /wl/software/catalog19/2682.html

       名将 => /wl/software/catalog19/2681.html

       1941-反击战[世界版] => /wl/software/catalog19/2680.html


       侍魂零特别版 => /wl/software/catalog24/941.html

       超级赌马 => /wl/software/catalog24/940.html

       决战平推方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/939.html

       拳皇特别版 2004 => /wl/software/catalog24/938.html

       snk 对街头霸王 pcb版 => /wl/software/catalog24/937.html

       帕青方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/936.html

       敌后奇兵 2004 => /wl/software/catalog24/935.html

       拳皇十周年纪念版 => /wl/software/catalog24/934.html

       幽灵球 => /wl/software/catalog24/933.html

       snk 对街头霸王 => /wl/software/catalog24/932.html

       侍魂零 => /wl/software/catalog24/931.html

       龙吼 => /wl/software/catalog24/930.html

       新豪血寺一族-斗婚 => /wl/software/catalog24/929.html

       卧虎藏龙 2003 => /wl/software/catalog24/928.html

       拳皇 2003 => /wl/software/catalog24/927.html

       拳皇 2002 => /wl/software/catalog24/926.html

       拳皇 2001 => /wl/software/catalog24/925.html

       高尔夫大赛 => /wl/software/catalog24/924.html

       狂野碰球 => /wl/software/catalog24/923.html

       98'机皇杯-胜利之路 => /wl/software/catalog24/922.html

       银河快打-宇宙战士 => /wl/software/catalog24/921.html

       水果机 => /wl/software/catalog24/920.html

       星星大战 => /wl/software/catalog24/919.html

       刀锋战机 => /wl/software/catalog24/918.html

       世界英雄完美版 => /wl/software/catalog24/917.html

       世界英雄二代喷射版 => /wl/software/catalog24/916.html

       世界英雄二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/915.html

       世界英雄一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/914.html

       火热火热7 => /wl/software/catalog24/913.html

       高压战士-超人学园 => /wl/software/catalog24/912.html

       视觉战机 => /wl/software/catalog24/911.html

       梦幻小妖精 => /wl/software/catalog24/910.html

       拉力赛车 => /wl/software/catalog24/909.html

       顶级高尔夫球 => /wl/software/catalog24/908.html

       顶级猎手-罗迪和凯茜 => /wl/software/catalog24/907.html

       超级间谍 => /wl/software/catalog24/906.html

       月华的剑士一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/905.html

       拳皇 2000 => /wl/software/catalog24/904.html

       拳皇 99'-千年之战 => /wl/software/catalog24/903.html

       拳皇 97 => /wl/software/catalog24/902.html

       96'temco 世界杯足球 => /wl/software/catalog24/901.html

       得点王四代-终极十一人 => /wl/software/catalog24/899.html

       得点王三代-下一个荣誉 => /wl/software/catalog24/898.html

       得点王二代-世界杯 => /wl/software/catalog24/897.html

       得点王一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/896.html

       超级躲避球 => /wl/software/catalog24/895.html

       街头篮球 => /wl/software/catalog24/894.html

       打击者1945'加强版 => /wl/software/catalog24/893.html

       赛马冠军二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/892.html

       赛马冠军一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/891.html

       回旋球大师 => /wl/software/catalog24/890.html

       机器人足球大赛 => /wl/software/catalog24/889.html

       敌后奇兵一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/888.html

       战国传承二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/887.html

       战国传承一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/886.html

       风云默示录 => /wl/software/catalog24/885.html

       侍魂三代-斩红郎无双剑 => /wl/software/catalog24/884.html

       侍魂一代-十二剑客录 => /wl/software/catalog24/883.html

       真饿狼传说二代-新来者 => /wl/software/catalog24/882.html

       真饿狼传说特别版 => /wl/software/catalog24/879.html

       机甲部队 => /wl/software/catalog24/878.html

       大搜查线二代-问答迷侦探 => /wl/software/catalog24/877.html

       大搜查线一代-最后倒计时 => /wl/software/catalog24/876.html

       拳皇问答 => /wl/software/catalog24/875.html

       阳光方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/874.html

       解谜汽泡 => /wl/software/catalog24/873.html

       泡泡龙二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/872.html

       惑星战机 => /wl/software/catalog24/871.html

       原始岛二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/870.html

       超级排球二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/869.html

       动物方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/868.html

       快乐五人足球 => /wl/software/catalog24/866.html

       炸弹人方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/865.html

       飞越巅峰 => /wl/software/catalog24/864.html

       神凰拳 => /wl/software/catalog24/863.html

       霸王忍法贴 => /wl/software/catalog24/862.html

       忍者指令 => /wl/software/catalog24/861.html

       忍者格斗 => /wl/software/catalog24/860.html

       午夜噩梦 => /wl/software/catalog24/859.html

       neo 弹球 => /wl/software/catalog24/858.html

       neo 智力方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/857.html

       neo 嘟先生 => /wl/software/catalog24/856.html

       neo 拉力赛车-新的技术 => /wl/software/catalog24/855.html

       neo 炸弹人 => /wl/software/catalog24/854.html

       越战1975' => /wl/software/catalog24/853.html

       变异公园格斗 => /wl/software/catalog24/852.html

       金钱游戏 => /wl/software/catalog24/851.html

       麻雀大富翁 => /wl/software/catalog24/850.html

       合金弹头x => /wl/software/catalog24/849.html

       合金弹头一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/848.html

       麻雀狂烈传 => /wl/software/catalog24/847.html

       幻魔大战 => /wl/software/catalog24/846.html

       魔法汽泡三代 => /wl/software/catalog24/845.html

       魔法汽泡二代 => /wl/software/catalog24/844.html

       终极手段 => /wl/software/catalog24/842.html

       怪兽之王二代-下一个目标 => /wl/software/catalog24/841.html

       怪兽之王一代 => /wl/software/catalog24/840.html

       月华剑士2 => /wl/software/catalog24/839.html

       敌后奇兵-第二分队 => /wl/software/catalog24/838.html

       侍魂IV-天草降临 => /wl/software/catalog24/837.html

       侍魂II-霸王丸地狱 => /wl/software/catalog24/836.html

       合金弹头III(P未加密,C解密) => /wl/software/catalog24/835.html

       II => /wl/software/catalog24/834.html

       饿狼传说-狼之烙印 => /wl/software/catalog24/833.html

       格斗之王 98'-梦战斗未结束 => /wl/software/catalog24/832.html

       摩托英豪(缺少光栅效果) => /wl/software/catalog24/831.html

       饿狼传说 REAL BOUT => /wl/software/catalog24/830.html

       泡泡龙 => /wl/software/catalog24/829.html

       拳皇 97'裸体版 => /wl/software/catalog24/828.html

       格斗之王 98 => /wl/software/catalog24/795.html

       格斗之王 96 => /wl/software/catalog24/794.html

       格斗之王 95 => /wl/software/catalog24/793.html

       格斗之王 94 => /wl/software/catalog24/792.html

       KIZUNA ENCOUNTER 格斗 [风云默示录-超级组战队] => /wl/software/catalog24/791.html

       天外魔境 [天外魔境真传-东方伊甸园-Kabuki Klash:Far East of Edin] => /wl/software/catalog24/790.html

       KARNOV'S REVENGE 格斗 [卡洛夫的复仇] => /wl/software/catalog24/789.html

       PUZZLED 方块 => /wl/software/catalog24/788.html

       雀神传说 [Jyanshin Densetsu:Quest of Jongmaster] => /wl/software/catalog24/787.html

       MAZE => /wl/software/catalog24/786.html

       FACE 智力 => /wl/software/catalog24/785.html

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       除了频率、TDP差异之外,满血和非满血版MX350基本规格都是一样的。流处理器数量达到640个,2GB GDDR5显存,显存位宽64bit。与MX250独显的主要区别是流处理器数量和频率不同,MX250流处理器只有384个,所以虽然MX250频率高,但性能自然比不过MX350。





       GPU 的性能对显卡的整体性能起着至关重要的作用。






       在选择显卡的时候我们要尽量选择布线简明合理、有序、大厂商的产品,才能避免因为布线不合理带来的显卡整体性能的下降 。





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